Sunday 20 January 2013

Sunday Musings of a Yaya!

Sitting here watching the snow come down, and trying to work out where my life went!
After reading an article on blogs, decided i would have a go if only to try and keep my last few remaining brain cells active!
Three years ago nearly, my daughter had a baby, and coincidentally this marked the deterioration of my brain and life as  i knew it(more later.)
It was decided that i would give up work, look after baby for the next few years, can't quite remember if i was actually part of the decision making process. The sound of the cage door closing again was deafening.
Thirty years ago, i brought two children, worked part time eventually, then once they were older, started full time work, developing a career, and venturing back into the world of grown ups!
Now i was about to plunge back into the world of disgusting fluids, both ends active, daytime tv, teething, housework, nursery times and eventually most frightening of all, the world of  Peppa Pig!!!
So, here  i am on the virtual world, hoping to connect, share and locate other members of an endangered species known as women who used to have a life in the big wide world, make decisions, earn money,voice opinions, and now find themselves plunged back into surrogate motherhood!
Will be back to post more hopefully, but right now have a pressing engagement with snow, sledge and granddaughter!
Regards, Yaya.(Its an age thing, i feel too young to be Nanny, Grandma, etc, so settled for Yaya.)

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